Talented hands run in my family in both maternal and paternal sides right from my great-grandparents. It must definitely go back way beyond that too.
My sister Kirstin for example is one of the most talented people I know.
That's her on the right. Gorgeous!
She's an awesome baker. Her cakes, cupcakes and cookies are always a hit. Her food is delicious as well - Chicken in oyster sauce, Fire chicken, Stir-fry veggies, Pasta...
Our birthday cakes are never ordered at home. They are homemade with a lot of love and effort and creativity.
Even with Carple tunnel she crochets beanies, doilies, hair bands and little flower clips for children. Besides all this, she has even made crochet jewelry for one of our summer collections that sold like hot cakes.
She even managed the restaurant she and her husband started - before her little angel came along. Being such foodies they experimented and created their own burgers and dishes right down to the sauces.
Having had a background in fine art she designed everything for the restaurant. She has worked with several advertising agencies in Bombay and even designed bags for 'Baggit'.
To accomplish so much by using your God given talents is what we all need to strive for. This excellence to create and keep on creating for as long as we can.
Thank you little sis for inspiring me to do better and for pushing me to work harder.
All the very best to you my darling... Happy blogging...love you loads